Green Camp Weekends

A weekend with the experts behind nature based solutions, screening their films at Chicester Cathedral, then onto Ellanore for a two day program of Yin Yoga & Meditation with Alex Rogers, learning vegan dises, celebrating and recreating in nature.

Price FROM:


Green Camp weekends are an opportunity to come together in a supportive and clean environment where we can support each-other to do our meditation practice and focus on positive, deliscious solutions that everyone can easily take part in to be of massive help to the planet, themselves and each-other.

Click poster to play trailer

Green Campus Delta Powwow No. 1 "I Could Never Go Vegan"


Green Campus Delta is hosting a charity fundraiser and powwow in the Delta Yoga Studio at Sunset on Friday, May 24th at Sunset with:

Watch the sun go down over the sea during a screening of "I Could Never Go Vegan" with a follow up talk & Q&A with the film's maker: James Pickering

A talk by Georgia Pine from the @WaveProjectUK about supporting their mission to aid vulnerable children through surfing and yoga where 50% of the funds from ticket sales for this weekend will be going.

Amazing healthy raw vegan organic seasonal local food from Toni @Feed_Me_Momma

Live beachside music around the fire by @FinneganTui

Guests have the option to join for the Friday evening activities or to join a weekend powow with early morning sea swims, meditation, yoga With Georgia, workshops with James and Finnegan, amazing vegan food with Toni, more yoga, more green juice, more fires, dancing for those who can not dance and sleeping by the sound of the sea.  

Friday Evening - Film Screening and Discussion

Click poster to play trailer

‍Riverwoods Weekend

25th November

The Weekend will begin with a screening of Riverwoods (click the poster to see the trailer) in The Vicar's Hall at Chichester Cathedral with a presentation from the film maker Peter Cairns from Scotland Big Picture all about their incredibly inspiring ecosystem restoration projects in Scotand. Proceeds are being donated to the project's charity which is currently raising funds to reforest The Dark Isle in Invernessshire. The film details how their restoration projects have a massive positive effect on the environment and local communities in scotland and how these inspiring restoration models can be applied anywhere...

We will then head back to Green Camp Ellanore to our eco-domes, cosy around the fire by the sea to spend the rest of the weekend wrapping on about these solutions with a program of Yin Yoga, meditation, healthy vegan food, music and other nature based activities led by the amazing Alex Rogers and the rest of The Green Team. Our focus is on being inspired and supported by positive and working nature based solutions and their people and restoring our own mental and physical health. 

| 90 mins
25th November
Click poster to play trailer

Eating Our Way to Extinction Weekend

25th - 29th February‍

This feature length Documentary has been a labour of love by Otto and Ludo Brockway for the last 8 or so years. Narrated by our Kate Winslet, the film explores the most important, effective and accessible solutions of our time. We look forwards to exploring this with you, the producer of E2E Mark Galvin and some of the E2E team! We are also grouping the leading functional medical and nutritional scientists on the island, some of our absollute favorite artists, herbalists, nature protectors and healers. To book for just the screening and not the whole Yin Yoga retreat click here.

| 90 mins
25th - 29th February‍
Click poster to play trailer

TAWAI - A Voice From The Forest Weekend

28th - 30th April

Tawai is a word the nomadic hunter gatherers of Borneo use to describe the connection they feel to their forest home. In this dreamy, philosophical and sociological look at life: Bruce Parry (of the BBC's Tribe, Amazon & Arctic) embarks on an immersive odyssey to explore the different ways that humans relate to nature and how this influences the way we create our societies. From the forests of the Amazon and Borneo to the River Ganges and Isle of Skye, Tawai is a quest for reconnection, providing a powerful voice from the heart of the forest itself. Bruce will be present for a Q&A after the film and will be at Green Camp Ellanore all weekend for the forest gardening, meditation, music and other options that weekend. See for more info.

| 115mins
28th - 30th April


The weekend schedule is organised around the following template where the different 'sessions' can be filled with different activities based on the options you choose in the Booking Engine HERE.


15h00 Rideshares from London (organised in the whatsapp group for those who book).

17h00 Sacred Song Evensong in Chichester Cathedral. Choral Evensong is one of the great treasures of the Anglican Church. At the reformation in the 16th centuary, when the services were for the first time conducted in English instead of Latin, Archbishop Cranmer developed the format for this service by combining two of the evening services in the monastic tradition, vespers and copmpline. Great Elizabethan musicians such as Thomas Tallis and William Byrd developed exquisite polyphonic choral music and with it's 16th-centuary language and wealth of musical settings, it has been performed by choirs ever since.

18h45 Film Screening & Talk in The Vicar's Hall Chichester Cathedral. For trailers and more info about the films & talks or just to book for the screening and not the whole weekend see here.

21h00 Return to Green Camp Ellanore, find rooms, welcoming circle.

22h00 Candle lit yin yoga & meditation


>08h00 Early morning sessions

09h00 Breakfast

>10h00 Morning sessions (Be Unlimited meditaiton with Alex)

12h00 Communcal Lunch prep

13h00 Lunch

14h00 early afternoon sessions (walks,


Afternoon sessions (Yin Yoga with Alex)

>18h00 Organisation circle & Evening sessions (film screening & talk)

20h00 Supper + Music + Fire + Meditation + Candle Lit Yin Yoga by the fire


>07h00 Morning med

08h00 Brekfast prep

09h00 Breakfast

10h00 Morning sessions (walks, wild swimming, meditation)

12h00 Lunch Prep Team

13h00 Lunch

>14h30 Afternoon sessions

16h00 Closing cirlce & tea

17h00 Return shuttle


This booking system allows you to choose which of the optional activities you want to take part in each weekend (NB you can just chill in your dome listening to the sea if you want, or head out into nature each day and use it as a base, no presh!).

We will shape the weekends around what folk select from the options and cater to delivering these together using organic communal organisation systems from Findhorn ecovillage in Scotland (much the most efficient and beautiful way of doing things I've found). Just click through the booking system for more info on how each component works choosing when you want to do it if you do.

Choose the activities that you want to take part in from the list that appears after you choose your dates and accommodation options. We will shape the schedule around what everyone wants most and the weather (activities like paddleboarding might not be available if it is windy for example). NB: some options like the shuttle from London will only be available if there is a sufficient demand for that item. Click an item for more info on that!

  • Return shuttle & carpool system from London & Chichester
  • Candlelit, fire heated, Eco glamping dorms with outdoor hotwater bathrooms
  • Indoor cottage rooms
  • Four supervised self practice meditation sessions each day
  • Communal food prep
  • Nature based solutions with the experts
  • Yoga in the church over the field.
  • Forest Gardening.
  • fires + music + dance.
  • Talks & storytelling.
  • Walks & runs in nature.
  • Wild swimming
  • Exercise sessions.
  • Games.
  • Paddleboarding / Kitesurfing .
  • Natural horsemanship demos.
  • Evensong at Chichester Cathedral.
  • Try your own program out.


Charles Fraser

Founder and general secretary

Charles is the Founder and Director and General Secretary of Green Campus.

Partner ORGS.

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Book your Experience

Cosy Geodome Camp

A six metre diametre dome with wood burning stove that can be arranged as a double room or a dorm for six people with it's own private hot water shower and flushing loo in the middle of a flower bed!

£ 75.00 GBP
Lotus Belle Tent

The Lotus Belle Tent has single beds for six people or a double for two and four singles. There is a hot shower outside and loo in a private ablutions area for the inhabitants of this unit to share.

£ 75.00 GBP


Green Camp Ellanore is in the beautiful village of West Wittering, a quaint little cottage in the middle of a field by the sea. Here is some basic info about how to get here:

  • MINIBUS SHUTTLE - In the booking engine you can choose the optiional extra of the minibus from London. This costs £40 return which is just £5 more than the train and is door to door. NB we need 8 or more preople for this to become a viable option.
  • BY CAR - There is very limited parking so please let us know if you are coming by car and we will try and turn your car into a car-pool full of furry vegans to make the most of it. Once booked in we will send you the post code.
  • BY RAIL - Chichester Station is 7 miles from the propperty and trains leave London Victoria (£20 - Duration = 1h20), Clapham Junction (1h10) and Gatwick Airport (1h) every 30 minutes coming to Chichester directly.
  • BUS - Richt next to Chichester station you can ride the 52 or 53 Bus to 'The Old House at Home' stop in West Wittering. It's a 10 minute walk down our country lane from there to the cottage. Cost c. £5
  • TAXI - Black cabs leave from the station and cost about £15.

The Green Campus Journal chronicles the latest journal entries from all green team members. Look out for the monthly Green News Show for an in-depth update about what's been going on!

For more articles see the full jounal page

December 7, 2023

Here I tell the story of the people and processes that won the final debate of the 200th aniversary of The Oxford Union on the motion: This House Would Go Vegan. The effort was intended to shine a light on the arguments of Dr. Sailesh Rao and Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop that insist we must include the Carbon opportunity Cost of deforestation, the carbon that can not be sequestered by forests that are cut down, in the IPCC and therefore national carbon accounting conventions. Including COC in Carbon accounting conventions shows that livestock is responsible for 87% of Global Temperature Change Potential and focusing on fossil fuels is actually speeding up climate change. The event allowed us to meet researchers at Oxford who argue for and against the position and yet we continue our work to find written arguments against the position which was won on the day. We are very Grateful to The Oxford Union for supporting this event and allowing us to use it to shine a light into this all important place. The story follows:

Challenging The Orthodoxy: Is Excluding Carbon Opportunity Cost (COC) from IPCC and therefore National Carbon Accounting fair or lawful?

Including COC in Carbon Accounting conventions shows livestock = 87% of Global Temperature Change Potential. We debated this at The Oxford Union and drew out those who can help our legal case to challenge the lawfulness of present policy. Thank you all who have helped begin this unfolding story!
November 28, 2022

"There is no reason for Beavers to Exist!" - Charlie Baker, Chair of The Arun and Rother Rivers Trust

Green Camp One | Riverwoods Weekend

Herwith a summary of my experience of our renewed Green Camp Weekends: From screening Riverwoods at Chichester Cathedral to local interest conservation groups abandoned of their posts, to our divine Yin Yoga, meditation and Psycological fitness retreat at Green Camp Ellanore with Alex Rogers and the gang. Lots of opportunities for good are coming forth from all of this.
April 15, 2021

Pristine areas in the Amazon and Siberia may expand with animal reintroductions, scientists say.

Just 3% of world’s ecosystems remain intact, study suggests

The researchers suggest reintroducing a small number of important species to some damaged areas, such as elephants or wolves – a move that could restore up to 20% of the world’s land to ecological intactness. Pristine areas in the Amazon and Siberia may expand with animal reintroductions, scientists say.
December 1, 2020

The Green Campus Business model grew out of Arundel Forest Garden where we were trying to work out how to live as harmlessly as possible. Check out this article for links to the original Facebook groups with loads of pics and videos of starting that forest Garden and the first Green Camp in Arundel Forest Garden: Arundel Green Camp

The History of Green Camp

How the business model for Green Campus came out of trying to live in harmony with nature at Arundel Forest Garden.

For more articles see the full journal page


Provide for your needs and comforts in ways that are of benefit to you and every other being: or at least do their best to cause as little harm as possible.

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