Our focus is on education (having fun): training ourselves up to have very strong spiritual, social, ecological and economic literacy so that we co-create whole systems integrated designs, ecosystem designs for products and services that provide for our needs in a way that has a regenerative environmental footprint: thus we create regenerative assets for the company and it's shareholders and mother nature! Sign-up as a member to be able to attend our programs.
A weekend with the experts behind nature based solutions, screening their films at Chicester Cathedral, then onto Ellanore for a two day program of Yin Yoga & Meditation with Alex Rogers, learning vegan dises, celebrating and recreating in nature.
Learn how to work with nature to provide everything you need in abundance, for free
The Best Audiobooks Ever Made, deepening our connection to nature and her values: The Lord of The Rings, full production Audiobooks and The Jungle Book, coming soon!
This season's three films will be screened at Chichester Cathedral. The films focus on inspiring nature based solutions with talks, drinks and food with the film makers and project leaders from the films afterwards.
The bio-composites we have been developing with Pond are 100% non-toxic, plant based, recyclable and have thermal and mechanical propperties that mean they can be a replacement for conventional composites.
A low cost, open-source, large format, industrial output (3kg / hr+) 3d printer (Additive Manufacture platform) for our bio-composite bio-materials and recycled waste plastics to print The Green Camp System.
UN Decade on Restoration endorsed project to deliver persistent online festival to raise funds for The UN Decade on Restoration, ecosystem restoration projects. The World's best loved artists in fun, thematic, social, learning environments.
The Green Campus Journal chronicles the latest journal entries from all green team members involving #programs