On descovering Sharrow Marine's toroidal propeller and the claims that it had of 48% cruse fuel efficiency gains, 80% noise reduction, greater control, allows lower planing speeds, greater idling efficiency, reverse authority and much more! I made contact to see if I could bring some proppellers to the UK to demonstrate these benefits and to try and create a brokerage for them here in the UK among the network of marine engineers who had been helping Green Campus to build the green machine and our 100% non-toxic, 100% recyclable biomaterials (see create.green/team).
I reached out to a long list of powerboat design and manufacture companies in the south of England with whom I am friendly including Sean who has (had) a Rafnar hull manufacture lisence (96% more stable hulls gaining 5% drag), Patrick at Scorpoin Ribs, Simon at Supermarine, Martin at Sonny Levi Powerboats but decided that the best target was The Brittish Powerboat Racing Club ( @bprc_official ) with whom we are still working on finding a team that are up for making some tests (I'mpaying!). I will post some updates as this progresses.
Silent Yachts are the world leaders in marine hybrid solar drivetrains and boast infinite range in their range of luxury catamaran yachts. I applied to spend a day of e-foil surfing with @efoil_riders on their 18m Silent Yacht at @PuroBeachIlletas in Palma Mallorca so that I could see if they were familiar with the work of Sharrow Marine.
I made a document from the independent test reports on the Sharrow Marine website conducted on a sililar 18m catamaran, printed it out and headed off to Malorca from London with the intention of seeing if Silent Yachts were aware of this technology. My proposal was that I would pay for a custom prop for one of their vessels in order to extend the latitudes at which these solar yachts are viable and thus create a brokerage for Green Campus Ltd. for both these clean yachts and the toroidal properllers whilst making friends with both teams so that we could bring solar power trains and tooidal props to other vessels.
The event was attended by another electric boat company, namely @x_shore, the 100% electric Swedish boat company who like @efoil_riders, were also interested in the propeller design for use extending the life, range, control and efficiency of their incredible craft. I have made this journal entry to try to reconnect and update everyone on the state of play our side, and to tell the story of these amazing groups of naval architects and marine ecologists.
Through my efforts and thanks to the kind help of folk at Silent Yachts, I managed to start up an email thread with the CTO of Silent Yachts and the CTO of Sharrow Marine. Both were already familiar with eachother and very keen to work together but Sharrow were saturated with orders in the USA where they launched their business.
I met a fellow named Leif aboard the Silent Yacht who is from a very large and very old German family that used to make furniture of the Kings and Queens therefrom. He explained to me how he ran solar and wind farms and planned to set up a Silent Yacht business in a similar vein. Both he and his brother with whom he does business were keen to explore putting a custom Sharrow prop on the vessel / vessels that he purchases from Silent Yachts. This is still a few years out and there was not much uptake on my offer to pay for some tests in the meantime.
I'm also working with a French gentleman who owns some morrings mid-stream on the river Thames in London between Albert Bridge (right by Green Campus Battersea) and Chelsea Bridge. We are exploring the purchase of both a 40m and 80m 1950s Spitz Barge and to work with local naval architects to make an accomodation unit or two, co-working office, design studio, workshop for The Big Green Machine and CNC table for Krisoffer's droplets as well as a classroom / event space. We would of course work to have Sharrow props on the main prop, thrusters and work to integrate a solar powertrain. We have some architectural visualisations around which a financial model for purchase of the vessel, planning with London Port Authority, architecture, refitting, setting up an autonomous Rowboat (I have an aeronaughtical engineer at Green Campus Battersea helping) to ferry people to and from the vessel, staffing and maintaining her and projected incomes would look. Please get in contact if you would like to see the data room for The Animo Campus.
I also swanned on down to our local marina and made friends with the motorboat and yacht consierge service there and spoke about working with their engineers to put together a test to showcase to their clients. Neither the engineers were believing nor the Sharrow Marine folk keen to offer me a brockerage in lieu of the fact that they have the biggest and the best offering to take them exclusive and my efforts to serve the planet are better focused on suing the IPCC and bringing greater awareness around how corrupt the IPCC accounting conventions as per the upcoming Oxford debate that I am organising, I will still do whatever I can to help test and spread adoption this technology and hopefully create some commercial opportunities out of it too,
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