Please read the outline and fill out the form at the bottom if you would like to join this program.
Greetings to all students interested in work experience with Green Campus Ltd. where we are working to deploy ecosystem restoration camps, or, Green Camps, where we build simple eco accomodation units and grow beautiful edible forest gardens and other regenerative assets that support the environment, community and local economy with our regenerative programs.
We are looking for learners who want work experience working with our event production team so that we can promote this winter's programs which include:
Our team of marketing professionals (Valentina, Charles, Molly & Phil) will work with you to produce a comprehensive marketing campaign for this season's regenerative programs that we are hosting at Green Camp Ellanore. The marketing campain will include the following components:
We will identify the potential markets for The Vegan Yoga Weekends and The Ecological Film Screenings. We will use various data sources to identify groups that are already looking for these products and services and profile them carefully so that we can cater our advertising with respect to their backgrounds and needs. Each work experience student will need to choose a target or targets for the following steps. - CONTENT CREATION
We will show the work experience students how to create targeted:
1. Poster and Flyer.
2. Viral video edit advertisment.
3. Journalistic editorial articles /blog posts about the product developing one's voice.
The work experience student will then follow the examples to create their own content communicating to the needs and interests of their target audeience. - DISTRIBUTION
We will then print out the posters and flyers of the interns and head out into the streets to hand these out to our targeted audiences with the intention to make sales.
We will publish the viral video adds and articles on our social media accounts and run advertising campaigns to bring the content to the targeted audiences. - MONITORING
We will use pixelstreaming, google adwords and our other campaign monitoring systems to monitor the health and success of each different peice of content and reflect on what worked and what didn't work for our next marketing efforts. - ATTENDANCE
We invite the interns to come and attend the screenings with their families so they can share in the success and learn from the film makers who'se important solutions their work has been helping share, asking any questions they may have, networking with other solutions oriented sustainable businesses.