
Ovest Gate, Siena


Two acres of fields owned by John Henry Pounds on the Western Gate of Siena



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I proppose we develop planning applications for the local authorities with John and Rhoda, under an exclusivity agreement (we have a draft) for a term of three years (before planning) in the hopes that we could win planning permission for some domes with their own private beaches. The following stage of development are in play:

  • Review site with architect (CURRENT)
  • Sign exlusivity agreement
  • Develop sketch plans and ideas
  • Review with local geometer and authorities of Siena (ask them for help introducing ecology experts to design forest garden and deliver programs there).
  • Develop estimate finanical model and schedule of works
  • Submit pre-planning application with local authorities and the Rubinos



Charles is the Founder and Director and General Secretary of Green Campus.
Kristoffer is head of with whom we are working to establish design, production and delivery of Green Camps
A strong leader with Board Director and Investment Committee experience of resolving commercial issues and approving investment decisions.
We are very lucky to have Ahad overlooking the production of our commercial legal work with his incredible experience in development and strategy at PWC and other reputable organisations.
Oyentunji is an adept Commercial Lawyer recently qualified from the university of Leicester


3d scan


No items found.


Restrictions of Florence are as follows:

Good afternoon,

we spoke to the Municipality of Florence and unfortunately the intervention that the English customer would like to carry out is not feasible.

This is because the "pods" are still considered objects that significantly alter the soil, even if they are not fixed or permanently anchored to the ground. In fact, these elements are considered as artifacts and at the building level they are considered as a "volume" which, pursuant to Article 134 of Regional Law 65/2014, require the release of a building permit and can only be built in areas with the possibility of new construction. and, unfortunately, yours has no building margins.

In particular, this article states in paragraph 1:

b) "the installation of artifacts, including prefabricated ones, and structures of any kind, such as caravans, campers, mobile homes, boats, which are used as homes, work environments, warehouses, warehouses and the like, which are not intended to satisfy purely temporary needs,"....

and is therefore subject to a building permit.

These artifacts could be made in free building activity only in the case of existing tourist-accommodation activities, falling within the art. 136 paragraph 1:

e bis) the installation, even on an ongoing basis, of tents and housing units inside open-air accommodation facilities for the stopover and stay of tourists with prior authorization from an urban planning, building and, where applicable, landscaping point of view furniture with functioning rotation mechanisms, and their appurtenances and accessories, provided that they are artefacts that do not have any permanent connection to the ground and present the dimensional and technical-construction characteristics required by regional sector legislation;

In any case, a landscape permit would still be required.

On such land it is possible:

- the reuse of existing buildings for agricultural residence and for activities related to agricultural use;

- the construction of temporary greenhouses and greenhouses with seasonal coverage pursuant to article 41 paragraph 8 of Regional Law 1/2005 with the methods pursuant to article 8 of DPGR Regulation 5/R/2007;

- the creation of precarious artefacts pursuant to art. 41 paragraph 8 of Regional Law 1/2005 ("the installation for carrying out agricultural activities of temporary company artefacts made with light material structures and simply anchored to the ground without masonry work for a period not exceeding two years, including greenhouses having the aforementioned characteristics").

The precarious buildings must be placed in the agricultural land to be served and proportionate to the existing activity or in anticipation of development, it being understood that in the absence of agricultural annexes, only precarious buildings can be installed for tool storage, shelter / sale of products, of small dimensions to actual needs.

Therefore, the following are not permitted:

- the installation of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems including "photovoltaic fields";

- the interruption of local roads with fences and gates that prevent the free movement of pedestrians and cyclists;

- the construction of fences also with loose mesh, with the exception of proven safety reasons related to special uses and/or regulations;

- the construction of driveways that involve the cutting of existing traditional walls except in cases of documented needs that cannot otherwise be resolved only in correspondence with free spaces or in any case without valuable tall trees;

- interventions on riparian vegetation and river ecosystems in contrast with DCR 155/1997.

- interventions for the elimination of linear (hedges, tree-lined hedges, riparian vegetation) and punctual (small forest nuclei, large field trees, small lakes and pools) plant elements;

- land excavation interventions in adherence to existing buildings.

The following are allowed:

- the construction of swimming pools, playgrounds and surface car parks in an area contiguous to the buildings on condition that the correct insertion of the structures is demonstrated and their accessories and permeability of the areas are guaranteed;

- the construction of dirt roads or roads with a stabilized natural surface limited to the need to adequately serve the agricultural land, only in cases where the absence of suitable accessibility for agricultural vehicles is demonstrated by adopting plano-altimetric profiles and materials compatible with the context;

- structures for billboards and signs that are not essential for road safety as long as they do not intercept the panoramic views that open towards areas of greater intervisibility and emergencies of historical-architectural value;

- the installation of anti-noise barriers as long as they are made with innovative technological solutions, which make it possible to minimize visual interference with the aesthetic-perceptual value of the constraint, also guaranteeing the optimization of anti-noise performance;

- the excavation of ornamental stones in historical quarries.

All this in compliance with the Protected Natural Area of ​​the Torrente Mensola.

These prescriptions relate to the current Urban Planning Regulations in force, but the Operational Plan which will replace the Urban Planning Regulations is in the process of being approved.

In the draft of the Operational Plan, which hopefully will enter into force in a year, there seem to be more possibilities for the requested intervention for your land:

"Exclusively for the exercise of hospitality in open spaces in the form of agri-camping, temporary setting up of pitches is also permitted, for a maximum limit of 7 pitches, under the conditions and with the facilities prescribed by the regional legislation on the subject (art. 13 paragraph 4 LR 30/2003 and art. 27ter DPGR 46/R/2004). These fittings must be adequately integrated into the context avoiding substantial changes to the state of the places and must be removed when no longer necessary for carrying out the hospitality activity in open spaces .

It is not permitted to carry out new construction works or new roads, even with a natural surface, for the construction of toilets, including shared services for hospitality in open spaces, technical volumes and sports-recreational facilities for agritourism activities, of which to art. 18 paragraph 6 of Regional Law 30/2003 and art. 16 of the related implementing regulation."

art. 13 paragraph 4 of Regional Law 30/2003: "The means of stay referred to in paragraph 1 can be set up by the agricultural entrepreneur in no more than twelve pitches. Within the same limit, compatibly with the urban planning and building regulations in force, the provision of pitches equipped with connections for sanitation systems. The vehicles set up by the agricultural entrepreneur must be removed, in compliance with current national legislation, when they are no longer necessary for carrying out the hospitality activity in open spaces."

art. 27ter DPGR 46/R/2004: The following means of stay may be used to set up the pitches:

a) tents of all shapes, their appurtenances and accessories, with a maximum closed covered area of ​​70 square meters, also individually equipped with sanitation and kitchen services, provided that the external walls and the roof are mainly made of canvas. The total area, closed covered and open on at least one side, including accessories and appliances, such as pergolas and verandas, cannot exceed a total of 110 square metres. For the calculation of the maximum closed covered area of ​​70 square meters, the surface of any mezzanines and in the conical or pyramid-shaped tents that starts from the walking surface, of the area with a height of less than 2 meters is not taken into account;

b) campers, caravans, mobile homes, equipped with rotation mechanisms in operation, their appurtenances and accessories, also individually equipped with sanitation and kitchen facilities, with a maximum closed covered area of ​​70 square meters. The total area, closed covered and open on at least one side, including accessories and appliances, such as pergolas and verandas, cannot exceed a total of 110 square metres. For the calculation of the maximum closed covered area of ​​70 square meters, the area of ​​any mezzanines and for mobile homes with a conical or pyramidal shape that starts from the walking surface, the area with a height of less than 2 meters is not taken into account.

3. The anchorages to the ground, to allow the safe use of the means of stay referred to in paragraph 2, must not be of a permanent nature.

4. At least two means of stay referred to in paragraph 2 must be accessible by overcoming and eliminating architectural barriers.

In summary, to date it is not possible to carry out the products and the activity requested by the English customer, but perhaps it will be possible to establish a similar activity in about a year, following the entry into force of the new Operational Plan, subject to substantial changes to the draft published to date. From the date of entry into force of the Operational Plan it will be possible to request the issue of Permits for the implementation of the intervention.

We remain available for any clarifications.


Silvia and Antonio




Buon pomeriggio,

abbiamo parlato con il Comune di Firenze e purtroppo l'intervento che vorrebbe eseguire il cliente inglese non è fattibile.

Questo perchè i "pod" sono considerati comunque oggetti che alterano in modo significativo il suolo, seppur non siano fissi, nè stabilmente ancorati al suolo. Infatti tali elementi vengono considerati come dei manufatti e a livello edilizio li considerano come un "volume" che ai sensi dell'art 134 della Legge Regionale 65/2014 richiedono rilascio di un permesso a costruire e possono essere realizzati soltanto in zone con possibilità di nuova edificazione e, purtroppo, la vostra non ha margini di edificabilità.

In particolare tale articolo riporta al comma 1:

b) "l’installazione di manufatti, anche prefabbricati e di strutture di qualsiasi genere, quali roulotte, camper, case mobili, imbarcazioni, che siano utilizzati come abitazioni, ambienti di lavoro, depositi, magazzini e simili, che non siano diretti a soddisfare esigenze meramente temporanee,"....

ed è per questo soggetto a permesso di costruire.

Tali manufatti potrebbero essere realizzati in attività edilizia libera solo nel caso di attività turistico-ricettive esistenti, rientrando nell'art. 136 comma 1:

e bis) l’installazione, anche in via continuativa, all’interno di strutture ricettive all’aperto per la sosta e il soggiorno dei turisti previamente autorizzate sotto il profilo urbanistico, edilizio e, ove previsto, paesaggistico, di tende e di unità abitative mobili con meccanismi di rotazione funzionanti, e loro pertinenze e accessori, purché si tratti di manufatti che non posseggano alcun collegamento di natura permanente al terreno e presentino le caratteristiche dimensionali e tecnico-costruttive previste dalla normativa regionale di settore;

In ogni caso sarebbe comunque necessaria un'autorizzazione paesaggistica.

Su tali terreni è possibile:

- il riutilizzo di edifici esistenti per la residenza agricola e per le attività connesse alla destinazione agricola;

- la realizzazione di serre temporanee e serre con copertura stagionale di cui all’art.41 comma 8 della LR 1/2005 con le modalità di cui all’art.8 del Regolamento DPGR 5/R/2007;

- la realizzazione di manufatti precari di cui all’art.41 comma 8 della LR1/2005 ("l’installazione per lo svolgimento dell’attività agricola di manufatti aziendali temporanei realizzati con strutture in materiale leggero e semplicemente ancorati a terra senza opere murarie per un periodo non superiore a due anni, comprese le serre aventi le suddette caratteristiche").

I manufatti precari dovranno essere collocati nel fondo agricolo da servire e proporzionati all'attività in essere o in previsione di sviluppo, fermo restando che in assenza di annessi agricoli potranno essere installati esclusivamente manufatti precari per deposito attrezzi, ricovero/vendita prodotti, di dimensioni contenute alle effettive necessità.

Non sono pertanto consentiti:

- l’installazione di impianti solari termici e fotovoltaici compresi i "campi fotovoltaici";

- l’interruzione delle strade vicinali con recinzioni e cancellate che impediscano la libera circolazione di pedoni e ciclisti;

- la realizzazione di recinzioni anche con rete a maglia sciolta, ad eccezione di comprovati motivi di sicurezza relazionati agli usi e/o norme speciali;

- la realizzazione di passi carrabili che comportino il taglio dei muri tradizionali esistenti salvo casi di documentate esigenze non altrimenti risolvibili solo in corrispondenza di spazi liberi o comunque privi di alberature di alto fusto di pregio;

- interventi sulla vegetazione ripariale e sugli ecosistemi fluviali in contrasto con la DCR 155/1997.

- interventi di eliminazione degli elementi vegetali lineari (siepi, siepi alberate, vegetazione ripariale) e puntuali (piccoli nuclei forestali, grandi alberi camporili, piccoli laghetti e pozze);

- interventi di sbancamento di terreno in aderenza ad edifici esistenti.

Sono ammesse:

- la realizzazione di piscine, campi gioco e parcheggi di superficie in area contigua agli edifici a condizione che venga dimostrato il corretto inserimento dei manufatti e garantita la loro accessorietà e la permeabilità delle aree;

- la realizzazione di strade bianche o con fondo naturale stabilizzato limitatamente alla necessità di servire adeguatamente il fondo agricolo, nei soli casi in cui sia dimostrata l’assenza di idonea accessibilità per i mezzi agricoli adottando profili plano altimetrici e materiali compatibili con il contesto;

- le strutture per la cartellonistica e la segnaletica non indispensabile per la sicurezza stradale purché non intercettino le visuali panoramiche che si aprono verso le aree a maggiore intervisibilità e le emergenze di valore storico-architettonico;

- l’installazione di barriere antirumore purché realizzate con soluzioni tecnologiche innovative, che consentano di minimizzare l’interferenza visiva con il valore estetico-percettivo del vincolo, garantendo altresì l’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni antirumore;

- le escavazioni di pietre ornamentali nell'ambito delle cave storiche.

Tutto questo nel rispetto dell'Area Naturale Protetta del Torrente Mensola.

Tali prescrizioni sono relative all'attuale Regolamento Urbanistico vigente, ma è in corso di approvazione il Piano Operativo che sostituirà il Regolamento Urbanistico.

Nella bozza del Piano Operativo, che se tutto va bene entrerà in vigore tra un anno, per il Vostro terreno sembrano esserci più possibilità per l'intervento richiesto:

"Esclusivamente per l’esercizio dell’ospitalità in spazi aperti in forma di agricampeggio, sono altresì ammessi allestimenti temporanei di piazzole, per un limite massimo di 7 piazzole, alle condizioni e con le dotazioni prescritte dalla normativa regionale in materia (art. 13 comma 4 LR 30/2003 e art. 27ter DPGR 46/R/2004). Tali allestimenti devono essere adeguatamente integrati nel contesto evitando sostanziali modifiche dello stato dei luoghi e devono essere rimossi quando non più necessari allo svolgimento dell’attività di ospitalità in spazi aperti.

Non è consentito realizzare interventi di nuova costruzione o nuova viabilità, anche con fondo naturale, per la realizzazione di servizi igienici, compresi i servizi a comune per ospitalità in spazi aperti, volumi tecnici e impianti sportivo-ricreativi per l’attività agrituristica, di cui all’art. 18 comma 6 della LR 30/2003 e all’art. 16 del relativo regolamento di attuazione."

art. 13 comma 4 LR 30/2003: "I mezzi di soggiorno di cui al comma 1 possono essere allestiti dall’imprenditore agricolo in non più di dodici piazzole. Nello stesso limite è ammessa, compatibilmente con la vigente disciplina urbanistica ed edilizia, la dotazione di piazzole fornite di allacciamenti per impianti igienico-sanitari. I mezzi allestiti dall’imprenditore agricolo devono essere rimossi, nel rispetto della normativa nazionale vigente, quando non più necessari allo svolgimento dell’attività di ospitalità in spazi aperti."

art. 27ter DPGR 46/R/2004: Per l’allestimento delle piazzole possono essere utilizzati i seguenti mezzi di soggiorno:

a) tende di tutte le forme, loro pertinenze ed accessori, con una superficie coperta chiusa massima di 70 metri quadrati, anche dotate singolarmente di servizi igienico-sanitari e di cucina, purché le pareti esterne ed il tetto siano prevalentemente di tela. La superficie totale, coperta chiusa e coperta aperta almeno su un lato, compresi accessori e pertinenze, quali pergolati e verande, non può eccedere i 110 metri quadrati complessivi. Per il calcolo della superficie massima coperta chiusa di 70 metri quadrati non si tiene conto della superficie di eventuali soppalchi e nelle tende di forma conica o piramidale che parte dal piano di calpestio, della zona con altezza inferiore a 2 metri;

b) camper, roulotte, case mobili, dotati di meccanismi di rotazione in funzione, loro pertinenze e accessori, anche dotati singolarmente di servizi igienico-sanitari e di cucina, di superficie coperta chiusa massima di 70 metri quadrati. La superficie totale, coperta chiusa e coperta aperta almeno su un lato, compresi accessori e pertinenze, quali pergolati e verande, non può eccedere i 110 metri quadrati complessivi. Per il calcolo della superficie massima coperta chiusa di 70 metri quadrati non si tiene conto della superficie di eventuali soppalchi e per le case mobili di forma conica o piramidale che parte dal piano di calpestio, della zona con altezza inferiore a 2 metri.

3. Gli ancoraggi al suolo, per consentire l’uso in sicurezza dei mezzi di soggiorno di cui al comma 2, non devono essere di natura permanente.

4. Almeno due mezzi di soggiorno di cui al comma 2, devono essere accessibili attraverso il superamento e l'eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche.

Riassumendo, ad oggi non è possibile realizzare i manufatti e l'attività richiesta dal cliente inglese, ma forse sarà possibile instaurare un'attività simile tra circa un anno, a seguito dell'entrata in vigore del nuovo Piano Operativo, salvo modifiche sostanziali alla bozza ad oggi pubblicata. Dalla data di entrata in vigore del Piano Operativo sarà possibile richiedere il rilascio di Permessi per la realizzazione dell'intervento.

Restiamo a disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti.


Silvia e Antonio

No items found.

We are looking at various incredible locations for where to set up the next Green Camps. The following site pages have some basic info and feasability study pertinant to that site.


Green Campus Delta

East Strand, West Wittering
Everyone contributing (£15k PCM)
Arundel Forest Garden

Green Campus Grew out of Arundel Forest Garden, it was the home of the first camp. It is now very overgrown and this is an application to Duke Edward and The Norfolk Estate to establish a self contained unit there, the rent from which will manage the land and earn a handsom sum for the estate.

Cricket Hill, Arundel, UK

A hidden glamping gem set in 7 acres and surrounded by stunning Dorset countryside.Bloomfield was purchased by the owners approximately five years ago and has since been run as a thriving family business, with an enviable occupation rate with around a 70% rate of returning business. Approached via Common Drove, the site comprises just over 7 acres, within which five yurts and a safari tent are strategically placed to give privacy and seclusion within the land. At the entrance of the site is a gravel parking area where guests leave their cars and check-in at the reception hut and honesty shop, which stocks essential items and local gifts.

Child Oakford, Blandford Forum, Dorset, UK
Settignano, Florence

Agricultural land for sale through local agents belonging to a local farmer, Piero. A planning application with the local authorities is necessary. Extensive planning laws are explored on the page. Presently the idea would be to establish a fresh water pool and then see if we can do canvas domes after the planning laws change. Ongoing work with the local sales agent Christine and her planning experts Silvia and Antonio (see detailed info below) reveal that current planning laws do not allow for development but future planning laws coming into effect next year are very favorable. My own research reveals various opportunties too that need to be reviewed with the Architect Kristoffer.

3.5Ha of Agricultural Land, Settignano Florence
Valomagna, Mountains above Arezzo

A beautiful site where we are exploring the joint deliver of a Green Camp with the custodians of the site. They have just won the property and any plans would have to wait two years for aproval by the local council.The project was started by a group of young professionals, Matthew & Chiara as the sole signatories, were looking for a place outside of the main cities to go back into contact with the environment and live sustainably and publicise this idea to others. They found the land through a regional program and made a project application and won (from many applicants) the land for 9 years with the option to renew for a further 9 at the end of each term if they wish. They have just started the project four months ago and we are building up connections with people around the site and starting to clear the land of invasive species and fix the place up generally.

Rifugio Valomagna, Casentino, Mountains above Arrezzo, Italy
Rubino Beach, Sicily

Rubino beach is part of a 47 Hectare estate owned by Mr Antonio Rubino and his wife and comprises two parts. The part of particular interest is the only part I managed to scan on the day: three areas of land above their own private beaches. There is another part that is on a much more littered beach that has beach houses, a restarant and parking where Mr. Rubino showed us the surrounding fields that might be suitable for development.

Porto Ulisse Beach Stabilimento Balneare, Sicily

This beautiful estate is owned by Gregorio and Agynes Di Lione who inherited it from their father who sadly passed away quite suddely last year. The property overlooks the Northern Coastline of Sicily about 40km to the East from Palermo and 15km away from the highly saught after tourist and holiday town of Cefalu (see the pictures below).

Estate of Gregorio Di Lione, Campofelice di Roccella, Sicily

Two acres of fields owned by John Henry Pounds on the Western Gate of Siena

Ovest Gate, Siena

Our draft plans revolve around creating an accomodation space at the aft of Animo, a classroom space (for yoga, meditation etc), workshop and mezanine work floor for some hot desks. Kristoffer's construction panel system would provide additional bubbles of space and light. The issue is finding a mooring for her in central London.

Applying for a mooring by Battersea Park

A 23.5m Converted Barge on Cadogan Pier

Cadogan Pier Chelsea

Photos & Drone footage for Hugo